Vallejo Bluff Trail Project - Fact Sheet

Vallejo Bluff Trail

The Vallejo Bluff Trail has been an important objective of the City, regional trail organizations and agencies, and the County transportation agency for many years.

It will be part of three regional trails that connect Vallejo to the rest of the Bay Area and ultimately Sacramento: The S.F. Bay Trail; the Bay Area Ridge Trail ; and the California Delta Trail

It will also help connect to the Napa Valley Vine Trail that will extend north from the Vallejo Ferry Terminal to Calistoga

The Vallejo Bluff Trail is also an important project for the Solano Transportation Authority, the agency that oversees transportation projects and funding in the County

It is also potentially a key part of the Carquinez Strait Scenic Loop Trail, a 50-mile bridge-to-bridge route that connects parks, open spaces and historic and scenic districts in Vallejo, Benicia, Martinez, Port Costa and Crockett.

The Vallejo Bluff Trail Project will connect from the existing unpaved Bay/Ridge Trail on the bluff north of the Carquinez Strait to the existing bicycle and pedestrian path on the west side of the Carquinez Bridge, which currently ends at Sonoma Boulevard/Hwy 29 at Maritime Academy Drive. Completion of this connection will have significant benefits for local residents and visitors for recreation and as an alternative transportation and emergency access connection.

Trail Map

Project Status
Preliminary plans and environmental studies for this trail were completed in 2003, including a community meeting in Glen Cove and meetings with Caltrans. Studies on other potential trail connections to and through Glen Cove and other destinations in Vallejo were done in 2008. Finally, a project was launched in 2017 by the City of Vallejo, in partnership with the Bay Trail, the Ridge Trail, and the Solano Transportation Authority, to complete construction plans and environmental studies and obtain a permit from Caltrans for the trail connection.

The Vallejo Bluff Trail will be 10,416 feet or 1.97 miles in total length, including connections to four different points as described below. The trail would be built in 2 phases:

Trail Map 2

Phase 1 is a paved bike and wheelchair accessible connection under I-80 at the Highway 29/Sonoma Blvd. undercrossing from Maritime Academy Dr./Sequoia Ave. West to Sequoia Ave. East and Lincoln Ave. East, along with an unpaved recreational trail extending south on the east side of I-80 to connect to the top of the hill at Waterview Terrace - an existing Bay Trail/Ridge Trail trailhead.

Phase 2 would improve and pave the southern portion and extend it around the bluff to connect to the existing trailhead at Clearview Drive. This would make the route accessible for road bikes and wheelchairs.

Funding: No funding secured yet for construction of either phase - that would have to be obtained through state and regional grants for bicycle, pedestrian or trail facilities.

Maintenance: Maintenance and operation of the trail is an important issue - Caltrans will require a maintenance agreement that specifies requirements and responsibilities before they will issue a permit. The City and partners are in the process of working out the maintenance plan and how to fund it.

Timing: The plans, environmental documents and permit application for Phase 1 are expected to be completed in 2018. A permit is expected to be secured from Caltrans in 2019. Construction could no proceed until funds are secured. The earliest that could happen would likely be 2020.

For more information contact:
Jomari Peterson
Administrative Analyst II - Special Projects
City of Vallejo | Community & Economic Development Department
555 Santa Clara Street
Vallejo, CA 94590
(707) 648-4356 | [email protected]

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