The Housing Authority of the City of Vallejo (HACV) administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program, which provides rental subsidy assistance to low-income families and individuals.
We are committed to providing housing for everyone through promoting housing affordability, access, fairness, dignity, and stability for our residents and workers. Our goal is to provide innovative programs and services in accordance with our mission to improve the living environments and the quality of life for the low and moderate-income families residing within Vallejo's diverse communities.
The HACV also offers various other programs to facilitate improving the quality of life of families of Vallejo. These programs include our Project-Based Voucher Program, Family Self-Sufficiency Program, Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing, and a Section 8 Homeownership Program which are available to participants in the Housing Choice Voucher program.
The City of Vallejo promotes fair housing and makes all programs available to families regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, marital status, or disability.
- For current voucher participants, please call (707) 648-4507 or email housing@cityofvallejo.net.
- To view the HACV's Five-Year Plan , click here.
- To view the HACV's Administrative Plan, click here.
- To view our current Payment Standards and Bedroom Subsidy Information, click here.
- To view available rentals in Vallejo, click here.
- To view the HACV's Utility Allowance with effective date of January 1, 2024, click here.
It is the policy of the Housing Authority of the City of Vallejo to provide reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities, so that they may fully access and utilize the housing program and related services. The Housing Authority must be allowed reasonable time to evaluate all requests. The hearing impaired may call the California Relay Service at (800) 735-2922 without a TTY/TDD, or (800) 735-2929 with a TTY/TDD. Please contact the Section 504 Coordinator at (707) 648-4507 or email housing@cityofvallejo.net.
The Housing Authority of the City of Vallejo was established by City Council Resolution No. 27822 N.S. on June 8, 1942. The Authority establishes its own by-laws.