Your Career Starts Here

Have you ever considered a career in local government? There are many exciting opportunities for growth right here in the City of Vallejo!



The Vallejo City Council is composed of six Councilmembers who are elected by district and an At-Large elected Mayor. Councilmembers serve for staggered terms of four years. The Mayor is directly elected, at large, and serves for a term of four years. Per the Charter, no elective officer may hold office for more than two consecutive four-year terms as either mayor or councilmember nor serve in both offices of mayor and council member for longer than three consecutive four-year terms.


The Charter of the City of Vallejo provides that the City Council may create by ordinance boards and commissions. These boards and commissions may serve as advisory, policy, appellate, and/or rule-making. The enabling ordinance for each board and commission is codified in the Vallejo Municipal Code, Title 2. The City Council may also, by resolution, establish advisory committees to advise the Council on various issues.


The City Manager's Office oversees City departments in the implementation of policies adopted by the City Council. The City Manager's Office day-to-day tasks include providing general administrative direction, leadership, and coordination of all City operations. This dynamic office includes a variety of functions and critical tasks ranging from Participatory Budgeting, Community and Volunteer Coordination, Vallejo Youth Engagement, Annual Budget Preparation, Homelessness, Citywide Grants, Special Projects, Public Information, and Community Engagement.


The Office of the City Attorney provides timely, efficient, and high-quality legal services, advice, and support to the City Council and the City Administration. We also advance, support, and defend the interests of the City and its missions and goals while remaining dedicated to the principles of professionalism, ethical behavior, and accountability.

CITY Clerk

The City Clerk is appointed by the City Manager. The City Clerk is the local Elections Official who administers democratic processes such as elections, access to city records, and all legislative actions ensuring transparency to the public. The City Clerk acts as a compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes, including the Political Reform Act, the Brown Act, and the Public Records Act. The City Clerk also serves as the Secretary to the Vallejo Housing Authority, Vallejo Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Vallejo Redevelopment Agency. The Office of the City Clerk is responsible for the following: Administration of local elections, Local Filing Officer and Filing Official duties under the Political Reform Act, Custodian of the City's records and administration of citywide records management program, Manage the City Council's legislative agenda and documents, Record and maintain proceedings of Council meetings, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, etc., Posting and publication of legal notices and documents, Receive claims, summons, appeals, and suits related to city government, Maintenance of the municipal code, Distribute, receive and open bid documents, Manage and respond to public requests for information in a timely manner, Maintain custody of the City Seal, Administer Oath of Office, Provide administrative support to various City Commissions, Committees and Boards, Provide support services to the Mayor and City Council and Provides mail room services.


The Human Resources Department provides personnel management and labor relations support to all city departments. Human Resources recruits, retains, and develops a highly qualified, diverse workforce. The City of Vallejo is an equal opportunity employer of over 500 individuals, dedicated to providing excellent service to the citizens of Vallejo. The Human Resources Department is divided into the following teams: Administration, Employee Benefits, Employee/Labor Relations, Recruitment, Classification & Compensation, and Training & Organizational Development.

FIRE Department

The Vallejo Fire Department consists of anywhere from 80 to 100 employees who are staffed between the Administration, Suppression, Training, and Prevention divisions. The Department averages over 18,000 calls per year. VFD serves as a full-service “all-risk” fire department capable of responding to an array of emergencies, including medical aids, fires, search and rescue, natural disasters, etc. VFD is committed to fire prevention with a focus on community development and education.

POLICE Department

The mission of the Vallejo Police Department is to serve the community of Vallejo through fair and impartial policing by reducing crime and the fear of crime while building strong community partnerships for a safer Vallejo. This department is also home to the 9-1-1 dispatch department.


The Finance Department assists other departments in the City in meeting their service objectives by allocating and monitoring the City's financial resources, financial reporting, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and other financial transactions. The department monitors and reports on the financial position of the City, bills and collects most City revenues, provides treasury services, and monitors the City's debt and trustee activity.


The Economic Development Department supports economic growth in Vallejo. The Department's services include new business recruitment, technical assistance for existing Vallejo businesses, business retention, site selection assistance for new and existing businesses, asset management of City-owned property, and Mare Island conversion. The primary goals of the department are to increase the tax base and employment opportunities in Vallejo.


The City of Vallejo IT Department implements and maintains secure, reliable, and customer-oriented information technology solutions. The IT department is responsible for Network Services and Infrastructure Security, Telecommunications Support, Desktop and Server Support, Applications and programming Support, Applications and programming Support, Website Support, GIS Support, Technology Disaster Recovery Testing and Implementation, Licensing and Compliance, Policies and Procedures and Support of Vallejo's Governmental Channel 28.


The Public Works Department is responsible for the engineering design, construction, and maintenance of the City's roads, sidewalks, traffic signals, trees, open spaces, and buildings. The department also manages stormwater compliance programs, transportation planning, recycling & solid waste contract services and operates the Vallejo Municipal Marina. The Public Works Department is comprised of the following teams: Administration (Budget preparation, policy development, legislative coordination, and customer service), Engineering (capital projects, the implementation of traffic control systems, Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMDs), storm drains, and development plan review and permitting) and Maintenance (maintenance of City-owned infrastructure including traffic signals, streets and alleys, city buildings and vehicles, and landscape of City medians, open spaces, and facility grounds).


The Vallejo Water Department is made up of six divisions: Water Treatment, Engineering, Distribution, Watershed and Facilities Management, Water Quality, and Administration/Conservation, which are all dedicated to providing a vital resource to our residents, businesses, schools, City Departments, and community organizations. The Department provides potable water to 150,000 customers through a highly complex system, including multiple raw water sources, three surface water treatment plants, a sludge dewatering facility, 600 miles of distribution pipes, eight pressure zones, 27 pump stations, and 37,000 service connections. Vallejo Water is a Treatment-5/Distribution-5 drinking water agency, classified among the State's largest and most complex water utilities. It is an exciting time to join the Water team as the City recently obtained a $52 million revenue bond to fund much-needed infrastructure upgrades and repairs. The Water team is made of skilled professionals who are dedicated and committed to delivering high-quality and cost-effective drinking water.


The Housing and Community Development (HCD) Division, under the City Manager's Office, manages programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Division is home to the Vallejo Housing Authority (VHA), which administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program, commonly known as Section 8, and its subprograms. The HCD Division also coordinates the application and implementation of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP).

The Division coordinates City services for the homeless through its roles on the boards of the Community Action Partnership Solano Joint Powers Authority and Housing First Solano Continuum of Care to bring more homeless services to Vallejo. The HCD Division also provides staff support to the Housing and Community Development Commission.


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