Adopt A Block

Residents, businesses, and the government all play a role in keeping Vallejo clean, safe, and healthy. Only by involving all residents and each community can we create a #TrashFreeVallejo. Success begins with one neighbor and one community deciding to make a difference. Anyone can participate in the Adopt a Block program - individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools and other groups and organizations. Adopting a block in the Vallejo has many benefits:
  • Improved quality of life in your neighborhood. The appearance of our community contributes to the quality of life we all share.
  • Signs with your group's name letting people know you are committed to making a difference.
  • Meet your neighbors, strengthen your community connections, and build
    leadership skills. Become a role model to youth.
  • More active communities help discourage rodents and unwanted and illegal

Program Overview

  • Adoptions available for individuals or groups
  • Adopters perform at least one clean-up per quarter (at least four per year)
  • Clean-up results are reported online
  • Adopters maintain the agreement for two years

Adopter Responsibilities

All citizens who own or reside on property within the City or unincorporated area of town are required by City Ordinance 7.62.100 to maintain their properties up to and including the curb. The goal of the Adopt A Block program is for citizens to join together to augment these base cleanup efforts and make them into fun, collaborative efforts that build a sense of community. It is our hope that adopters will encourage and motivate their neighbors, friends, and colleagues to join adopting groups or adopt blocks
in front of their homes or workplaces.

Adopter responsibilities should include:

  • Keeping the exterior of both personal and public property free of litter
  • Keeping the exterior of both personal and public property free of unsightly vegetative overgrowth
  • Removal of loose litter from along fences and wall bases, grassy and planted areas, curbs, borders, embankments and other lodging points
  • Maintain tree wells and right-of-ways by removing vegetative overgrowth as necessary
  • Removal of weeds along edges and cracks of sidewalks, curbs, etc. (sidewalk and strip sweepings must be picked up; please do not sweep into street or drains)

How to Participate

  • Decide which block(s) you wish to adopt.
  • Check with Volunteer Coordinator at to see if your blocks are available. Select your block and fill out the adoption form.

Clean-Up Details

  • Due to budgetary considerations, volunteers are encouraged to use their own gloves and bags. However, materials can be made available upon request.
  • Fill out and submit the Clean-Up Day Data Form at the end of your clean-up (accessed by clicking on your adopted road section). This form requests information such as how much trash and recycling you collected
    as well as the most common type of trash. Take note of any maintenance issues or needed work order items you see, as the form requests those as well.
  • Please make use of your residential garbage, recycling, and bulk collection services to dispose of solid waste collected. Bulk items that are too large or heavy to fit into bags should be placed at the curb (not in
    the street). Please refer to City of Vallejo guide to what can be recycled, as recycling improper items may contaminate other recycled items or result in jamming and/or damage to recycling machinery.

Safety Guidelines

  • Dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Long pants and long sleeves are recommended (breathable material during warm seasons).
  • Bring a bottle of water and stay hydrated.
  • Wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
  • Always wear gloves while cleaning up litter.
  • Alcoholic beverages and intoxicated participants are prohibited during clean-ups.
  • Do not touch or pickup hazardous or dangerous materials (i.e. syringes, condoms, etc.).
  • Each group should have a first-aid kit.
  • Be very careful handling broken glass, and be on alert for hidden broken glass.
  • Be alert and ready to react to traffic.
  • Watch out for bees, wasps, fire ants, snakes, poisonous plants, and other potential natural hazards. Always look before stepping.
  • Adult supervision is required if youth are involved in clean-ups.
  • Refrain from wearing music headsets, which could interfere with hearing traffic.
  • Do not bring knives, machetes, or other tools that could cause accidental injury.
  • Only perform clean-ups during daylight hours.

Click to Adopt A Block Today!

Click To Download Our Adopter Resource Guide.

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