The City has partnered with ParkMobile to provide an easy-to-use mobile phone application that allows for parkers to pay for parking on the go.
Parking safely includes securing your belongings in your vehicle. Remember to not leave any items within view when parking to deter opportunistic criminals. If you must leave items in your vehicle, stowing them in the trunk out of sight is safest.
Oversized vehicles (including RVs) are not allowed within Park Vallejo lots. The one exception is for a boat trailer attached to a lead/towing vehicle that is being used for the purpose of launching or retrieving a boat. The long-term storing of a boat and trailer in Park Vallejo lots, though, is not allowed.

Downtown and Waterfront Parking
Consistent with the City Council's parking goals, it is the City of Vallejo's mission to manage a fully integrated parking program, which supports businesses, residents, and visitors in the Waterfront and Downtown areas. In addition to providing a full-range of parking options, the fully cost-recovered Parking Fund creates opportunities to recoup the cost of operations and maintenance for parking lots, garages, and equipment.
A parking fee is required for anyone, including those residing in, or visiting, the following areas: any city-owned Downtown Lot (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and any Waterfront Lot or the Vallejo Station Parking Structure (24/7/365). Parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please click here for more information:
Free parking is available in the Downtown Lots on weekday evenings (Monday through Friday, 6 p.m. to 9 a.m.) and all day on Saturdays and Sundays. Vehicles may also park for free in any of the "time-limited" lots, or on the street, at no cost, however must adhere to the posted time limits applicable to their parking locations. Parking beyond the time limit will result in a citation.
Parking citation information, including information on payments, payment plans, and the appeals process, can be found via the City of Vallejo's Police Department, Traffic Division at (707) 651-7172 or visit their website here. For instructions on how to pay or appeal your citation, please click here.
The City of Vallejo's Public Works Department recently completed installing updated signage for street sweeping in the downtown. In an effort to streamline cleaning, minimize impacts on residents and businesses, and be responsive to the Central Core Restoration Corporation, the City collaborated to create the updated schedule and route map. All streets will be swept 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
During the scheduled days and times, the City asks that vehicles be removed from the streets. Vehicles which are parked in violation of the scheduled days and times are subject to a parking citation. Vehicles may park, as signage permits, on streets which are not scheduled for sweeping that day, or park at no charge on weekdays from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., and all day Saturday and Sunday, in any Downtown lot. Downtown lots are outlined here, in yellow. Click here to view the street sweeping map.
Abandoned vehicles are handled by the Police Department's Traffic Division. Please click here for more information.
As a means to eliminate a general fund subsidy, parking fees were set to cover projected expenses by July 2020, as adopted pursuant to Vallejo Municipal Code (VMC) 8.04.110, 8.20.200. In June 2017, the Vallejo City Council approved a tiered Waterfront parking fee schedule, with the final scheduled fee increase effective July 1, 2019.
The Downtown and Waterfront parking lots and structure are part of the Parking Enterprise Fund, wherein all revenue generated by parking fees, and all parking-related expenses, are contained within the Fund, and is tracked and accounted separately from the General Fund and other City Funds. Revenue generated by citations is captured within the City's General Fund, and is not included in the Parking Fund. Parking fees cover the cost of staffing, overhead, lighting, utilities, landscaping, janitorial, grounds, pavement, signage, infrastructure, maintenance, security, technology, enforcement, and more.
Throughout the last few years, the lots have had upgraded signage installed, as well as upgraded lighting, including extended light pole arms, and brighter lights, and select lots have received landscaping enhancements, as well as treatment and fillers to address existing pavement surface deficiencies. The City recently contracted with a new security firm, and is working to provide expanded and enhanced security coverage via real-time monitoring of security cameras, as well as adding additional surveillance cameras to parking areas. Currently, several Downtown lots are scheduled to undergo significant rehabilitation to update the lots and bring them in line with current ADA standards and requirements, which includes grading, striping, and signage. Landscaping and grounds within the lots continue to be maintained by both the City’s Grounds Division and the City’s contracted landscaping firm.
As the Parking Fund continues to stabilize and grow, revenues will continue to be reinvested into the public parking areas, in order to provide for additional public parking enhancements.
Maps & Brochures:
Parking Payments:
Parking Citation Information:
Maintenance Concerns:
Rules & Regulations:
Parking Applications:
Outside Transportation Agencies:
Safety Information: