Saves Water and promotes environmentally responsible, cost effective, healthier places to live and work.
The informational materials and building division forms listed below are intended to aid you in the building permit process. To ensure you have the correct information and required forms, always download them prior to beginning the permitting process as they are updated frequently. Please note that while every attempt has been made to ensure these documents are complete and accurate as possible, they may not contain every requirement specific to your project or business. Any error or omission should not be considered as permission to violate any specific provision of the California Building Standards Code (CBC), or any other legally enforceable regulation.
- Residential Checklist / Mandatory Requirements
- Non-Residential Checklist / Mandatory Requirements
- Residential Plumbing Fixture Flow Rates
- Non-Residential Plumbing Fixture Flow Rates
- Operation and Maintenance Manual
- VOC and Formaldehyde Limits Tables
Buildings shall be designed to include the Green Building Measures specified as mandatory in the application checklists contained in the Green Building Code. Voluntary green building measures are also included in the application checklists and may be included in the design and construction of structures covered by the Green Building Code, but are not required unless adopted by a city.
Residential Additions and Alterations [HCD]. The mandatory provisions of Chapter 4 of the Green Building Code shall be applied to additions or alterations of existing residential buildings where the addition or alteration increases the building’s conditioned area, volume or size. The requirements shall apply only to and/or within the specific area of the addition or alteration.
Note: On and after January 1, 2014, residential buildings undergoing permitted alterations, additions or improvements shall replace non-compliant plumbing fixtures. Plumbing fixture replacement is required prior to issuance of a certificate of final completion, certificate of occupancy or final permit approval by local Building Department. See Civil Code Section 1101.1, et seq., for the definition of non-compliant plumbing fixtures, types of residential buildings affected and other important enactment dates.
Residential low-rise and high-rise [HCD]. The provisions of individual sections or CALGreen may apply to either low-rise residential buildings, high-rise residential buildings or both. Individual sections will be designated by banners to indicate where the section applies specifically to low-rise only (LR) or high-rise (HR). When the section applies to both low-rise and high-rise buildings, no banner will be used.
Nonresidential additions and alterations [BSC]. The provisions of individual sections of Chapter 5 apply to newly constructed buildings, building additions of 1,000 square feet or greater, and/or building alterations with a permit valuation of $200,000 or above (for occupancies within the authority of the California Building Standards Commission). Code sections relevant to additions and alterations shall only apply to the portions of the building being added or altered within the scope of permitted work.
A code section will be designated by a banner to indicate where the code section only applies to newly constructed buildings [N] or additions and alterations [AA]. When the code section applies to both, no banner will be used.